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Executive Coach / Global Chief Information Officer & CISO in Education2 years ago
We’ve been rolling out baseline and enhanced security, with a complete SaaS and cloud-based organization that doesn't have any bare metal. Part of my objective is to pull it all together into a secure way to focus the company. But we also have a larger challenge: There was an acquisition a couple years ago with two European companies that Getaround acquired. Last year, the first phase was to merge the Norwegian and French groups and their code base; now we have to contend with the US and EU folks, so we have two completely different infrastructures and two different sets of security protocols. There are very different attitudes towards security and change management, so there's a lot that I've been educating folks on. My 2022 goal is to finally merge the companies and roll out those security programs.
Digital Transformation Executive in Software2 years ago
When I was still in the public sector, I wrote our strategy for the county. The biggest themes are around digital engagement: how can we be more proactive with our residents and constituents? Another one is talent, because there's always a lack of cybersecurity professionals. Local governments can't hire anybody because they can't afford anyone decent, so how can they attract and retain competent staff? The third theme is using some of the federal funding that's coming down towards locals, like the American Rescue Plan Act, the Build Back Better Act (BBB) and the infrastructure bill. Those were some of the key themes when I left the role several months ago and they will continue to be a focus this year.
Senior Executive Advisor in Software2 years ago
The focus this year is all about app modernization and hybrid cloud. The goal is to reduce the complexity for organizations on their digital transformation journey and help them focus more on high value activity. It’s more around developer productivity, operator efficiency and secure software supply chain, rather than going through CNCF/landscape, picking and choosing one of those things, trying to string them all together and running experiments to see if they work. Nobody has the patience for that and over the last two years, the pandemic has shown that we can't afford the luxury of trying to run such experiments.
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Director of IT in Software2 years ago
The main focus areas for IT this year are multi-cloud and hybrid cloud. Some of our workloads are in data centers and we are moving some to the cloud, depending on which one makes sense. Talent has been an issue, so that’s also a focus. We've seen good employees leaving and it's harder to replace them. It’s been a challenge but hopefully this year we will have better luck with hiring.

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IT Manager in Constructiona month ago
the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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Human Factors (fears, mental health, physical spacing)85%

Technical / IT Factors (on-premise tools, pivoting back away from remote)14%

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