For internal audit reports, do you provide an overall opinion? Can you share how you are able to go about this especially when there are multiple risks identified and different risk rankings?

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Finance Analyst in Energy and Utilities5 months ago
Yes, an overall conclusion of Controlled, Controlled with Opportunities for Improvement, Improvement Needed or Unsatisfactory.  From my experiences, these conclusions are made with the joint review of the Senior Internal Auditor, Internal Audit Dept Manager and VP of Internal Audit to be made on the final report which includes Findings, Management Responses and Oppurtunities for improvement. Risks are highly dependent on the type of audit and whether there are any regulatory components. 
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VP of Finance4 months ago
Audit reports have a conclusion of Satisfactory, Needs Improvement, or Unsatisfactory.

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Information Security Manager in Insurance (except health)3 months ago
No. We rate individual findings on a low, medium to high-risk scale. We have a methodology to rank these.
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