Important: I am looking for critical insights, expertise, and real-world lessons learned in standing up Global Business Services (GBS TOM Delivery Model) for a carve-out and new operating entity. If you have experience charting this journey, can you offer insights on what worked well?

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Director of Supply Chain in Manufacturinga month ago
This is a great article concerning GBO TOM - 10 Design Principles to Follow For Your Global Business Services Initiative... (  Please contact to discuss.  
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CTOa month ago
I appreciate the opportunity to share my experience with standing up Global Business Services (GBS TOM Delivery Model) for a carve-out and new operating entity. In my previous company, we implemented this model and it was a valuable learning experience.

However, I must mention that my current company has chosen to favor insourcing over a GBS model. This decision was made after considering various factors such as the presence of better in-house skills, lower costs from automation, and the associated risks.

While I can share my general experience with the GBS TOM Delivery Model, I may not be able to provide as much detailed information as desired. My current company's focus on insourcing may limit the scope of my insights.

I hope that my experience can still be of some value to the community member seeking advice. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to help.

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