What is the impact of 5G so far?

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CIO2 years ago
We're on the early end of the curve with 5G and we haven't really seen the impact. You hear a lot about what's envisioned, but there's not enough deployment yet to feel the impact of how that additional bandwidth and low latency has the potential to change what's possible. I felt it the most when I was going to T-Mobile two years ago; before the pandemic, they had this demo center in Seattle where they would show you virtual reality retail applications. But I haven't experienced that elsewhere yet.
CEO in Services (non-Government)2 years ago
When I hear about things like blockchain, AI and 5G all coming together, on one hand there's a big privacy issue. But on the other hand, a lot of it is fluff and nonsense proving we're not there yet. There are people who have rolled out 5G and because of the lack of latency or the desire for immediate insight, it is impacting situations where whole factories could be losing their staff.
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CIO2 years ago

That's going to happen in retail too. And where it's not 5G, it's wifi. We sell a lot of wifi that's attached to an AI engine.

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CEO in Services (non-Government)2 years ago

I think it already has happened in retail.

VP of IT in Software2 years ago
For our business, there's no real clear impact. Perhaps this is one of those things where the impact will be very gradual and it won't be clear on it's full impact until many more years out from now.
CTO in Software2 years ago
The coverage is still quite small and devices are not actually prepared. Some places like Singapore are fully covered with 5G, which would be good for example for Industry 4.0, but the time it takes to modernize the fleet is quite long.
Chief Technology Officer in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
In Australia we are seeing 5G being used to enable and unlock the potential of IoT with a reliable low-latency network. There is 5G that provides great speed for consumers, but there is also 5G that offers low-latency for devices.

In particular, experiments have already been successful in having human operators pilot heavy mining equipment from across the country - safe in a control room while the equipment is doing the dangerous work.

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These worked for us:

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