If you didn’t land in IT, what career path would you have taken?

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Director of IT in Software3 years ago
I started my career very early on working for a computer reseller called AVCOM Technologies, and it happened to be a summer internship. But my intention was never really to go into IT. I'd always set my sights on a more creative path around architecture and interior design, but I was pulled in by a friend's aunt because they needed a summer intern and the rest is history.
CEO in Services (non-Government)3 years ago
If I was not in IT, I would be a pediatric orthopedic surgeon, which was my career path until I was told I was basically too small. There were a number of issues around med school and the way women were treated at that time but it was also because I am under five feet tall and they pointed out that I couldn’t reach the table or lift anybody. And it made me reconsider. Then IBM came knocking; that started my IT career and it took off from there.
Board Member in Healthcare and Biotech3 years ago
I've spent almost 40 years in the IT industry. If I was not in IT, I don't really know what I would have been doing because that was my chosen path from the time I was in college.
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CIO / Managing Partner in Manufacturing3 years ago
If I was not in IT, I would probably be doing something in the world of Motorsport. I've always been heavily into that.
CIO in Software3 years ago
I would love to say I would have been something cool like a whitewater river guide but I suspect it would probably be something in finance because I like to know everything that's going on. I would never like working in a siloed part of the business, so I would have to be in something like financial planning and analysis (FP&A) where you can see everything.

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