If you didn't have to work, what would you do?

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Worldwide Strategy & Portfolio, Cross Industry (Supply Chain, ESG, Engineering, Customer Experience, Intelligence Automation, ERP) in Manufacturing10 months ago
Build! I would create my own solutions for the problems I see (breakfasts falling off of toddlers in car seats or how to better keep inventory on construction sites). AND volunteer. Those two things bring so much joy to me. 
Sr Solutions Architect in Healthcare and Biotech10 months ago
I would go to med school just for the knowledge and the ability to heal others.
Director in Manufacturing10 months ago
I would spend more time improving the environment.  For example my wife and I were certified for Coral Restoration (SCUBA Diving specialty)   We volunteer at least one day of our vacations helping maintain coral farms.    Reef Renewal Bonaire - Dedicated to Restoring Bonaire’s Coral Reefs
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Director in Manufacturing10 months ago

https://www.reefrenewalbonaire.org/    this is the Reef Program

CISO in Education10 months ago
I would go back to school and expand my knowledge, likely on a different topic/subject than my current career. 
CTO in Healthcare and Biotech10 months ago
I would teach chess to underprivileged children, as chess will help them throughout their lives to see beyond their perspective and perception.

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