I'm a Scrum Master supporting a cybersecurity operations center. We are refining our mechanism for communicating our operational and value metrics to stakeholders. I'm looking for industry best practices for this effort: which metrics to communicate, best platforms to build those reports (powerpoint, adobe, etc). Are there any briefings from previous pickup games, other formal meetings?

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Product Manager II - Marketing Technology in Software7 months ago
It would be best if you talked to your stakeholders about what they are looking for in any report.  Some of the metrics can be in the following areas - 

Incident & Response Metrics -

Mean Time to Detect (MTTD) - The average time it takes the SOC to detect security incidents.
Mean Time to Respond (MTTR) -  The average time it takes the SOC to respond to and mitigate security incidents.
Incident Closure Rate: Percentage of incidents successfully resolved or closed within a defined timeframe.

Threat Intelligence Effectiveness -

Number of Threats Identified - The total number of threats identified by the SOC within a given period.
False Positive Rate - Percentage of alerts that are determined to be false positives upon investigation.
True Positive Rate - Percentage of alerts that are confirmed to be legitimate security incidents.

Operational  Metrics -

Ticket Volume: Number of tickets/incidents handled by the SOC over time.
Ticket Resolution Time: Average time taken to resolve incidents from initial detection to closure.
Analyst Productivity: Metrics related to the efficiency and effectiveness of SOC analysts, such as the number of alerts handled per analyst per day.

Security  Improvement -

Vulnerability Remediation Rate: Percentage of identified vulnerabilities that are remediated within a specified timeframe.
Patch Management Effectiveness: Percentage of systems patched against known vulnerabilities within defined SLAs.
Compliance Adherence: Degree of compliance with relevant regulatory requirements and industry standards (e.g., PCI DSS, HIPAA, GDPR).

Threat  Analysis -

Trend Analysis: Identification of emerging threats and patterns of attack over time.
Attack Surface Reduction: Metrics related to efforts to reduce the organization's attack surface, such as the number of exposed services or devices.

Training -

Phishing Click-through Rate - Percentage of users who click on simulated phishing emails.
Training Completion Rate - Percentage of employees who complete cybersecurity awareness training programs.

Business  Metrics - 

Cost of Cybersecurity Incidents - Monetary impact of security incidents on the organization, including direct costs (e.g., remediation, fines) and indirect costs (e.g., reputational damage, lost revenue).
Downtime Reduction - Percentage reduction in downtime or disruption to business operations as a result of SOC activities.

When selecting metrics, it's important to ensure they are aligned with the objectives and are meaningful to stakeholders. Regular review and refinement of metrics based on changing threats, technology, and business priorities are also essential for maintaining relevance and effectiveness. 

You can use any reporting tool. 
Product Management Analyst in Manufacturing7 months ago
For any cybersecurity operations center (SOC) to prove its efficacy and fit with the objectives of the company, operational and value metrics are essential. Data can be presented in an easy-to-understand fashion using dashboards, graphs, and charts. Trend explanations, connections to other variables, and suggestions for possible areas of development might all be included. To make sure the reports are meeting their needs over time, invite stakeholders to offer input on them.
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Recruiter Consultant7 months ago
Communicating operational and value metrics to stakeholders is crucial for ensuring transparency, alignment, and informed decision-making. PowerPoint can be used for making those reports. Identifying the key metrics is very important for stakeholders. Preparing the reports in a clearly understandable format based on key metrics. Lastly, be transparent about the outcomes and challenges faced during the process.

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