What should I be asking potential employers in job interviews that I might not be thinking about?

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General Counsel9 months ago
Ask about compliance and how compliance is handled in the company if it’s not obvious. They may have compliance principles on their website. Ask how compliance is handled, whether or not it falls within the legal department, and how compliance supports legal and vice versa. How do the functions support one another? There’s no correct black-and-white answer, and it depends on the organization.
Director of Legal9 months ago
Ask the potential employer if they truly wish to invest in compliance and why. As compliance professionals, we want to be sure not to be a tick-the-box role, but to be part of a journey in close collaboration and alignment with senior management.
AI LegalTech Counsel & Legal Ops Innovation Leader | Digital Transformation Expert | Strategic Advisor in Services (non-Government)9 months ago
Since this seems to be a general question in the Legal function, I would suggest asking about professional development opportunities and how performance is evaluated and recognized. These questions can provide additional insight into the firm's culture, career growth potential, and how your contributions might be valued and rewarded.
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Chief Data & Innovation Strategist in Software9 months ago

100% agreed Adina. Learning and growing professionally means a lot to me. When I interviewed three years ago, I always asked about it. Nowadays, I volunteer a bunch, so I look for organizations that support community involvement.

Director of Legal in Software9 months ago
I would ask about a) how the company invests in its employees in terms of professional development opportunities and b) opportunities to participate in corporate activities outside of the employee's primary realm of responsibility. I would also ask for how the employer supports cross-functional leadership.
Global Counsel in Travel and Hospitality9 months ago
DEI commitment and how it is not just paper based but real. Things to look for or ask about are the role of a CDO, their resources, role and reporting structure, SEC filings, comments in press, etc.

Why the interviewer joined the company and hasn’t left yet. What made them stick around, what attracted them, and how they view the organization translates values and principles into their specific function or department.

If there is anything you can clarify for them about your background to aid in progressing you to next round.

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