How do you sell yourself online without being blatantly self promotional?

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Director of Sales in Retaila year ago
Be genuine.   Provide value to the people consuming your content and they will come to you.
Founder and Chief Sales Energizer in Services (non-Government)a year ago
Always with the audience in mind. Give freely of your content. Tell people how to do things. Give them content that shows them you are the expert. 
VP of Sales in Softwarea year ago
couple of ways to think about it:
- share what you find interesting
- talk about the industry challenges personas are dealing with... without pitching yourself or your product. you can just talk through the challenges these people are dealing with and your learnings of what does and doesn't work to fix them. thus making yourself an industry expert by seeing what does fix them
- sharing failiures from time to time. people connect with stories and we have times we got it wrong... 

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Director of Enablementa year ago
Ask yourself: if you saw someone else posting what you are about to share, would you find that it improves your day, or would you cringe/ignore it?

It’s 100% fine to self promote and sell your own brand, as long as it provides value to other people.

Remember, people prefer to buy from people instead of brands. It’s why the best sales reps establish fantastic rapport with their clients. If you never ‘sell’ yourself, then you’ll never establish those relationships :)
Founder in Services (non-Government)a year ago
I have found sharing an honest story works well.  I observe on Linkedin the posts where people talk about their challenge and then thanking people helps with engagement.  E.g.  "I have struggled with passing the exam, and then worked with X to support me and now I am certified!"

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Sr. Manager, Enterprise Architecture in Media9 months ago
Building a story around what zero-trust is and what solutions are used to achieve zero-trust security goals. Then, educate the organization to bring awareness. 
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