How do you persuade a hesitant C-suite that it is the right time to begin an application modernization project?

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VP of Engineering3 months ago
It is crucial to first understand their concerns. Presenting a clear, jargon-free case that aligns with the business goals is essential. Demonstrating the benefits through case studies or proof of concepts can be very persuasive. It's about showing them the potential achievements, as well as the pros and cons, to encourage them to take action.

CTO in Banking3 months ago
Persuading the C-suite often requires leveraging data-driven stories that highlight the risks of inaction, such as potential loss in market share. It's also effective to show what peers in the industry are doing. This not only provides a comparative analysis but also a competitive edge. Furthermore, illustrating how the modernization project fits into the existing roadmap and addresses competing priorities can help in gaining their support.

VP of Engineering3 months ago
Understanding the background and the perspective of the C-suite members is fundamental. Bringing customer insights into discussions can be very influential. For instance, showcasing how key customers can benefit from your services and how their success stories can attract similar customers can be compelling. It's not always about the numbers; sometimes, the narrative about customer success and satisfaction can make a strong case.

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CTO in Media3 months ago
Direct engagement is often effective. Asking the C-suite what their hesitations are can uncover underlying issues. It's also vital to communicate the cost of delay clearly. Executives may not realize that postponing technological upgrades can significantly increase costs and risks. Explaining these potential consequences through data-driven narratives can help them understand the urgency and the value of timely action in application modernization.

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