How do you move your team from feeling overloaded to feeling empowered?

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CSO in Education6 months ago
All my team members are made to own the success of their respective project streams. They have the flexibility to manage their time.
Director of Technology in Software6 months ago
it starts with actively listening to their challenges and providing the tools and support they need to succeed. By prioritizing tasks, setting clear goals, and offering opportunities for skill development, we can transform pressure into productivity. Encouraging autonomy and recognizing achievements also play a crucial role. This approach not only lightens their load but also fosters a sense of ownership and confidence in their abilities. Empowerment comes from creating an environment where team members feel valued and know that their contributions lead to the team’s success!
Director of Corporate Development6 months ago
Working with the team and each member on prioritization and setting realistic time frames using an agile mindset.  As well as looking at the work and defining what part of the task they own and identifying others they can collaborate with to complete the work in a timely basis.
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CISO in Software6 months ago
I agree with the other comments - listening, providing encouragement, but the key item requires prioritization & letting everyone know it is ok to not do everything but you have to follow thru with that to include reasonable work hours - compensate in some way for the extra effort that could include some long nights/weekends.  May not have to be cash - spa weekend with a partner, nice dinner out with family, a hand written note with a gift card sent to the employee at home or to their partner/kids.  There are a lot of ways to get creative & get keep folks engaged and able to handle the workload.  Also don't be afraid to appropriately encourage seeking counselling for stress- be vulnerable & let them know you have similar issues from time to time.
Enterprise Architecture in Government2 months ago
Identify what group of activities to stop ASAP in alignment with organisational strategies. Make sure your team know that you have their back and lead by example of not working excessive hours and maintaining a good worklife balance.

I must note, some personnel work with prioritisation well, others will just keep going until they break. So a variety of methods is likely required to achieve a successful outcome.

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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
Have clear business requirements up front, make sure the proposal includes items such as scope, timeline, cost, resources.
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VP of Corporate Development in Services (non-Government)3 days ago
Depends on the KPIs per function and what Leadership wants to be updated on.
Normally you would show the usual performance stats, what the market is developing into, what risk there is to achieve budget and what is needed more
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