How do you keep a team motivated in absence of leadership?

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Senior Financial Analysta year ago
You don't. Keeping a team motivated means leadership, if you don't have it, you aren't likely to have motivation. You might motivate the team but it will likely be to leave. If you are lucky they'll leave for other positions in the firm, otherwise they will go elsewhere. Also, they will likely tell people about their experience and having a bad reputation means that good candidates will stay away.

You might have emergent leaders, i.e. leaders from the field but without the support of higher level leadership when they run into trouble they'll be forced out. If they do achieve something they'll leverage those accomplishments to leave for another role or company.
Founder in Services (non-Government)a year ago
I set up Sales Ops for companies and for sales teams I produce reports of sales team members' activity and performance, and having teams see their peer productivity and vice versa can be very motivating.
Director of Other in Softwarea year ago
Clear mission and objective and associated KPIs
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CEO in Services (non-Government)a year ago
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