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Director of IT in Insurance (except health)2 years ago
You need to be able to "abstract" a level back from the current "IT manager" role and demonstrate an ability to look at the business from a strategic lense.

As another has stated, promotion normally comes from an individual's ability to influence and control the "business" outcome, then demonstrate the benefit at all levels of the organisation.

Another great piece of advice i can probably give is to take a risk or two in your career, sometimes moving companies is the best thing you can do to become an all-rounded leader
Director of IT in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
Becoming a director from manager would need a total shift from what you have learned till date. For a manager, domain knowledge is most important. What you know, and how efficiently you are able to resolve technical issues make you a good manager. However, for a director and lead a function, most important aspect is not resolving problems for what you know. As a director or leader, you must know how to address challenges what is un-known. Preempt the issues, challenges and identify  change is most important aspect  to be a successful director. 

Your past performance or actions brings to a manager level. What your future course of actions would decide you as a successful director. 

Additionally, you have to a people man. Managing resources, including human resources efficiently is other important aspect for a director. while a manager's job is to get job done from collogues, but for a leader or director, you need to have ability to motivate team to do their job independently. 
Director of IT in Finance (non-banking)2 years ago
There is also a different skill set required to lead individuals as a team manager versus leading teams as a director.  Agree with the more strategic approach, and many technical managers have trouble letting go of the hands on approach and delegating tasks to individuals/teams, which are critical skills for a director.

Additionally, I would say that technical IT managers are not always as customer facing, and that at the director level you are conversing more with the business and IT leadership and other C-level conversations.  
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Director of IT in Manufacturing2 years ago
By shifting from managing to solving business challenges using strategic mindset and leading by influencing. 
It’s a total shift from the manager level
Senior Director Enterprise Applications in Software2 years ago
I made the transition when I focused on co developing the long term roadmap with my leaders. I made recommendations on new ideas and listened to how they approached their challenges and started to train myself to think like they think. It helped me and could potentially help you.

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CFO3 days ago
I recommend that you consider finding an outside third party to perform the audit.  I have had to do something similar with an unprofitable division/product line that reports directly to our CEO. We outsourced with Alvarez ...read more
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IT Manager in Constructiona month ago
the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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