How important is it for your organization to measure the employee experience. And what process & tools are your using to measure the employee experience?

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CTO in Software6 years ago
Not trying to be flippant here, but how important is it for your organization to have a high performing culture? There needn't be any heavy handed processes, but instead fostering a transparent, real-time feedback 'safe' environment is how to measure the experience and track progress.
CTO in Software6 years ago
Very interesting . I know this reflects Netflix culture and I wonder how do you view documentation. For teams do you believe each one will purely understand their roles without documentation that tells how the standard procedures are? What is the ideal point processes and high performance freedom?
CMO in Services (non-Government)a year ago
Many companies know it is important but are unable to do it because they are unable to arrive at the constituents of ‘employee experience’. From my past experience of running surveys, here are a few pointers. 

Is the work valued and rewarded?

Value of the peer network and relationship?

How is the job-boss-company fit? [Better to ask separate questions too and compare the results. That is, how is your job fit? How is your relationship with your boss?].

How is the treatment while ideas work and when they fail?

Is the work-life balance satisfactory?

Do you feel secure? [Job, Health & Safety, etc.]

Training offered by the company, is it helping you to grow personally & professionally? How is the mentorship?

Depending on the company and the industry, the questions can be customized. Of course, after taking the survey, the results have to be transparently published and action needs to be taken. Otherwise, this will be a one-time activity & won’t yield the necessary results. 

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Practice Head, Cognitive AI in Bankinga year ago
There is this concept of "psychological safety" in most leadership books. In workplace it starts at the very top of the organization. The leadership behaviours demonstrated has an impact on employee experience. Investing in leadership development across an organization for all leadership positions will be good leading indicator and surveys or pulse checks will be lag indicators.
VP HR, Change and Org Effectiveness in Transportationa year ago
We are focused on measuring the employee experience throughout the employee lifecycle. There is a correlation between employee satisfaction and how companies show up for employees in their moment of need. The tools that we use are quarterly employee surveys, feedback and interviews. We incorporate the employee experience into all of our programs that we roll out.

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