How have you successfully managed the transition of a senior executive with significant market influence who is resistant to transferring his clients and leadership responsibilities to his successor? I have a senior leader who excels in market performance but is difficult to work with internally and is reluctant to allow his successor to fully assume the role.

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Founder in Services (non-Government)2 months ago
This sounds like an opportunity to have a deeper conversation with this individual to better understand the psychological rewards and threats which are being experienced here. 

Let me know if you want to talk it through.  
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VP Talent, Learning & Organisational Development in Manufacturinga month ago
It is key to find out WHY he is so reluctant. Is the person forced out or preparing for retirement? In the case of the latter it is key that the person feels valued and respected and that there is a transition period between him and his successor. The manager of this person has to step in and make it clear that, for the success of the company, good transition management is key. He has to put his ego aside and do what is best for the company and clients. 

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VP Talent, Learning & Organisational Development in Manufacturing7 days ago
We are working on the next level of our global business strategy and I expect the leaders to indicate what type of profiles and skills they need. For me this is not an HR task only so I need our CIO for instance, to share more
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