How have you, as a leader, fostered a culture of experimentation and ideation within your organization?

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CIO5 months ago
It's important to get everyone on the same page and to understand what problem you're trying to solve. As a leader, it's your role to facilitate that conversation.

It's also extremely important to involve everyone at all levels for an integrated approach, as different people offer different perspectives. By giving them the opportunity to work together, you get the most out of everyone's unique skills and ideas.

You want to make this a regular process, almost part of your day-to-day. At UFT, we now have a weekly one-hour meeting where we discuss problems, brainstorm solutions, and prioritize tasks. 

This has been very successful for us, and we've seen improvements in our design and delivery as a result.

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CIO5 months ago
It all starts at the top. The tone needs to be set that we are going to be an innovative culture. But it can't stop there. You need to put in place mechanisms that encourage open communication and regular brainstorming sessions. It's important to recognize and reward innovation, and to embrace failure. We always talk about failing forward in my company. We're going to fail, but let's learn from it and use it as a step toward learning and improvement rather than a setback. This needs to be a consistent theme throughout the organization.

As a leader, you need to lead by example, remove barriers, and foster diversity and inclusion. It's also crucial to set clear objectives and expectations and a framework for innovation. At my company, we reward quick wins, which are small but significant improvements that make things easier for our customers and for us internally. But it all started with giving people permission and making sure that they were recognized for their innovative ideas.

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