How have folks aligned their B2B marketing strategy and B2B sales funnels for maximum impact?

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SVP of Marketing in Banking8 months ago
YES! We developed journey maps and analyzed the sales funnel so as to focus our activities on lead generation. Everything Marketing does should ladder up to corporate objectives. If you're in a sales organization (like we are), that includes lead generation. So our marketing plans take into consideration sales goals and Profit&Loss (P&L) owner goals (in our case Underwriting operating units). Hope this helps!
Director of Marketing in Services (non-Government)8 months ago
Agree with the post by Church Mutual.  Marketing and Sales need to be aligned with one another internally and drive together towards corporate objectives. From a tactics perspective, aligning to mutually agreed upon S.M.A.R.T goals help.  
Director of Marketing8 months ago
We align our marketing efforts and budgets directly with the sales product line revenue commitments, this means hard discussions that marketing won't be supporting as heavily in areas where we aren't seeing the business growth commitments.
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Sr. Director of Marketing in Software8 months ago
One of the key priorities of marketing is to support and achieve sales objectives by aligning marketing strategies. It begins by analyzing what has worked and what hasn't, understanding market insights, and determining the changes needed in the marketing plan. It is important to provide clear visibility to the sales function regarding the segment, positioning, messaging, and the mediums and campaigns that will help achieve the objectives for their feedback. I find this super useful in getting feedback and insights sometimes we wouldn’t have thought of.

We follow a structured approach, building a 4X funnel for sales, around which the entire marketing strategy and executions are designed. This ensures a structured and effective alignment of marketing efforts with sales goals.

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Communications Manager in Finance (non-banking)6 months ago
Mainly shift the focus towards LinkedIn. Nowadays X doesn't mark the spot anymore. However still useful in crisis situations (the here and now information). LinkedIn in my view still can be useful, as long as your content more
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