How can you foster a collaborative culture between HR and IT to best manage and advocate for HR tech needs?

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Global HR Transformation Leader in Education7 months ago
Fostering a collaborative culture between HR and IT is essential for successful HR tech implementation. Having a clear understanding of the roles and boundaries of both functions is crucial to preemptively address potential conflicts and ensure a cohesive transformation program. Alignment with overall organizational objectives is key, requiring joint efforts in defining success criteria and garnering support from management and employees. Regular communication, collaborative decision-making, and a conflict resolution protocol contribute to a holistic and proactive approach, minimizing risks and enhancing the likelihood of successful technology adoption.
VP of HR in Healthcare and Biotech7 months ago
Historically our HR Tech team was part of our HR Division. Recently, our organization underwent a change by consolidating all technical configuration and support teams, including HR, Finance, and Supply Chain, into our IT division. To foster collaboration between HR and IT for effective HR tech management following our recent consolidation, we've prioritized communication and alignment. Our approach involves weekly meetings between subject matter experts (SMEs) for each HR module and the lead analyst responsible, ensuring tailored solutions. Additionally, the leader of our HR Tech team regularly attends HR leader meetings, facilitating seamless integration of HR tech initiatives with broader organizational objectives. The HR Tech leader also assists with other areas of IT that may need to be involved, including new interfaces, reporting, and analytics. By nurturing this collaborative culture, grounded in open communication and cross-functional engagement, we aim to optimize HR tech investments and enhance the employee experience in our evolving digital workplace.
Interim Human Resources Director UK USA & Asia in Finance (non-banking)7 months ago
Fostering a collaborative culture between HR and IT to manage and advocate for HR tech needs can be achieved through open communication, understanding each other's needs and constraints, and aligning strategies.

Open Communication - Establish open channels of communication between HR and IT to understand each other's needs and potential restrictions or limitations that may affect technology solutions

Aligned Strategies - Ensure that HR and IT strategies are aligned to collectively work towards the same goal, which is to enhance employee experience and productivity through technology

Understanding Common Goals - Recognise that both HR and IT are working towards the same goal of improving the employee experience, and that collaboration between the two departments is essential for achieving this

Overcoming Challenges - Address the challenges that may arise from the differences in skill sets and job descriptions between HR and IT, and work towards finding common ground to enhance collaboration
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VP Talent, Learning & Organisational Development in Manufacturing7 months ago
HR and IT have to go hand in hand in the role of HRIS and that role has to be at the HR Leadership Team level.  HR defines the global HR strategy with HRIS to be the key enabler to explore, show and design how technology can enable to deliver on the HR strategy. In my previous company the HRIS leader reported to IT with a matrix to the CHRO, you can do it the other way around too, but what was key was the constant exchange between the 2 teams, HR and IT/HRIS need each other. 

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Director of HR17 days ago
The concerns have been very surface level in my experience - stuff they've skimmed on LinkedIn or other trade press, so it's been relatively easy to have a bit more knowledge and push back - so knowing your stuff is one strategy.

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