How familiar are you with the concept of AI and its potential applications in the news and entertainment industry? Do you think AI is the future of Automated News industry?

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Customer success manager in Transportationa year ago
Customer success manager in Transportationa year ago
Yes it is the future.
Design Manager in Telecommunicationa year ago
I don't think that News industry is depending on AI , as NEWS is the medium not of artificial intelligence. There is in-depth analysis for good and bad and treatment of the story in any perspective that AI cannot do as on now. I don't agree with Mr. Rohit & Mr. Pradeep 
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Senior Data Scientist in Miscellaneousa year ago
Even when I am not extremely familiar with the news and entertainment industry, I can think of the following use-cases:
1.) News or event selection and sequence: There are already applications of AI for example in the selection and location of stores within an airport to provide a mixture of offers maximizing the probability that passengers are buying something. Similar the selection and sequence of news or of entertainment events providing a mixture hat maximizes the interest might be an option.
2.) "Rewriting" of articles according to the consumer's educational level. Depending on the educational level / formerly read articles, a user-centered writing (or re-writing) of articles to taylor the content and wording to the reader's preferences might be already feasible with AI.
Other Employeea year ago
AI is and should always be a tool. As Sam Altman (CEO OpenAI) just said recently AGI is when we have a augmentation to our cognitive capacity but it’s there to help not hinder. It does one machine based / mechanical / digital thing very well but cannot develop strategies across boundaries, care or have empathy towards a situation. When it achieves “super intelligence” as Altman states, that is the time to worry and who knows how far that is away. Hence our need to take the emerging risks of AI very seriously, understand them and mitigate them but also always expect the unexpected with AI and ensure your organization is prepared for that next crisis as if it’s a whole of society impact just like we had with COVID yet AI has a potential impact scale 1000 times greater, now is the time to consider that risk and prepare and not 1 second after it happens as by then it will be too late. 

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