How has the evolution of customer expectations affected the enterprise sales cycle length for you all? Seeing more and more prospects, even at the enterprise level, that come to us with intent but that wouldn't talk to us 6 months ago. They are telling us they did the research but didn't want to engage with sales until they were "ready".

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Vice President Global Sales & Marketing in Healthcare and Biotech10 months ago
I guess I would start by asking if you could explain "evolution of customer expectations" means in this question. 
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CEO in Services (non-Government)9 months ago
The buyer controls the timeline, not the salesperson.   If customer expectations mean that the buyer is exerting control over the sales process - I would agree that is fact.  Too many sales professionals try to force-fit their timeline and process rather than reverse engineer the prospect's process adding value through out.

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No, but we collaborate with external groups8%

Yes to both, internally and with external groups3%

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We are still fully remote but will bring all employees back to the office at once.6%

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None of our employees went remote during the pandemic.1%

All of our employees will remain fully remote post-pandemic.4%

Other (comment below!)1%

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