How do you build an “ownership mindset” on your team? Is it possible to train people to think like this, or is it an innate quality you have to hire for?

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Director of Data in Government5 months ago
I believe that public recognition goes a long way with making folks feel their input is valued and essential to driving team outcomes forward.  I also make an effort to tell people specifically how their projects, meeting comments, or other actions are shaping the way we do things.  Sometimes team members just don't see the impact but are more inclined to provide further ownership mindset when they can clearly see how their input is valued and being incorporated into organizational initiatives and decisions.
Chief Technology Officer in Software5 months ago
Giving more Responsibility with Freedom & pushing your team to the forefront where they see first-hand results of their action can cultivate ownership mindset.
Director, Experience Design in Education5 months ago
As Rajesh pointed out, autonomy is the key. If the aim is for people to take ownership, then they need the latitude to act without seeking permission first. But for leaders to feel comfortable with this, they also need to extend trust. That level of trust isn't built in a day.

I start people off at the level of advice then act. (Give me a heads up about what you're going to do before you do it.) Once trust is built, the safeties come off, and they move to act and then advise. (Do what you need to do, then tell me what you did.) This is explicitly stated from the outset.

Sometimes, even an experienced staff member needs to advise first, then act - usually if the situation is sensitive or particularly tricky.

So, in answer to your question: you don't need to hire for it. You don't need to train your team for it. You need to train yourself to lead for it.
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VP of Engineering in Banking5 months ago
The first thing to acknowledge is that no matter what, there will always be some people who have high ownership and agency, and there will be some who don't. Acknowledging this is essential for leaders because every human has different needs, motivations, and priorities in life. It's important to have empathy and appreciate them, regardless.

To promote ownership behavior, the important thing is to build an incentive system that rewards people who show high ownership and agency. Leaders should also lead by example by showing the ownership mentality in everything they do.
VP of Technology5 months ago
In order to establish an "Ownership Mindset" you must first eliminate micromanagement and empower your team to act when and where they can. 

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