How do you align your HR technology initiatives with broader organizational goals?

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Global HR Transformation Leader in Education7 months ago
Aligning HR technology initiatives with broader organizational goals begins with thinking about fundamental questions such as: "Why are we doing this?" "Is Technology a better alternative?" The focus should be on understanding how HR tech investments can enhance customer experience, improve employee retention, and attract top talent from various employee sub groups and demographics. Approaching technology initiatives with curiosity and a business-oriented perspective enables a more compelling pitch to the leadership team. Ultimately, the goal is to achieve better business and talent outcomes through strategic people tech investments.
Head of People Systems and Data Analytics7 months ago
I align our HR technology initiatives by thinking about what the business is trying to achieve with its broader organisational goals and what impact the initiatives might have. For example, if customer growth is an organisational goal how do employee engagement, attrition, career development etc. impact customer growth and try and make direct correlations and how does HR technology enhance these areas? Another example is increased efficiency, if this is a business organisational goal, how does HR Technology support rigour and control, and how do we make processes simpler and therefore save time and money? HR technology initiatives are never about the technology they are always about the impact on the business.  
CHRO in Consumer Goods7 months ago
There are two major questions for me to determine HR Technology initiatives.  1) what is needed to help the business strategy get executed more seamlessly/with better employee experience.  2) what is needed in the HR function to help us better execute on our functional mission that improves efficiency and effectiveness of HR/our partners.  Ideally the answer to both these questions leads to the best technology solutions.  Two recent examples - our employees were not satisfied with the offerings we had for service awards.  So we went in search of improved solutions.  however, what we found was a scaleable recognition system that could be used globally and reduce our manual recognition processes and improve the traceability of recognition --from budget and leadership perspective.  Our solution solved beyond the employee experience need, and is reducing time in tracking/processing in HR, and will improve our ability to monitor spend and distribution of recognition. All improvements for HR too...and other business objectives.  win win win.
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VP Talent, Learning & Organisational Development in Manufacturing7 months ago
Key is that HR and IT are teaming up on so a digital twin. On top, HRIS needs to have a seat at the leadership table, in our case at the global HR leadership team. This way the HRIS strategy is linked to the HR strategy and to the business strategy and vice versa
VP of HR in Healthcare and Biotech7 months ago
To ensure alignment between our HR technology initiatives and broader organizational goals, we've implemented strategic measures. Our IT team established a business advisory council, convening monthly to review and update IT initiatives aligned with organizational objectives. We initiated an enterprise transformation effort a year ago. Recognizing the pivotal role of technology and data, weekly meetings are held to track progress, discuss priorities, and ensure that technology efforts remain synchronized with overarching organizational strategies.

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Senior Director, People Strategy & Consulting in Media3 months ago
Mercer can help. Let me know if you need a contact and I can share their email with you. They have SMEs in all industries. 
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