How do you adjust your continuous learning strategy when you’re focusing on growth opportunities within the leadership or c-suite? Is there a demand for different tools?

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CIO in Government5 months ago
It's all about finding the right balance. In any organization, you'll find two types of people: those who resist change unless it's handed to them and those who are eager for it. This dichotomy was evident in a recent cabinet meeting I attended. The city attorney, fresh from a conference, declared that we would not be using AI in any of our operations. In contrast, another director, also back from a conference, was eager to implement AI for economic development and city growth.

From a CEO and leadership perspective, if we want to grow the C-Suite, there needs to be strong leadership to establish an organizational policy on how we approach new technology. Are we going to be at the bleeding edge, or are we going to be on the opposite side? Without leadership from the C-Suite, especially the head of the organization, you start to see a fracture. Are we just maintaining the status quo? Are we afraid? Or are we using wise policies and practices to educate people so they can grow and do it safely? We can't bury our heads in the sand. It takes educational leadership to determine where we're going to pilot this and learn safely, without waiting for someone else to do it on our behalf.

CIO in Healthcare and Biotech5 months ago
In healthcare, we talk about a learning health system, which can mean a lot of things. It can refer to individual competencies and how we can use technology and AI effectively to enhance the performance of individual caregivers. Of course, we have to be very careful with that because we don't want to create a "doctor AI" and risk malpractice. The FDA is looking hard at how all of this is going to be regulated, so it's very complex.

What we should be doing is applying AI in more administrative areas to make our caregivers more efficient so that they can spend more time talking to the patient and thinking hard about the complex diagnosis of that patient. For example, many health systems are now looking at technologies for ambient AI. Your doctor will walk into the exam room and put down their phone and say, "AI's listening, it's going to help me document this encounter so I can spend more time talking to you and less time typing about you after the fact."

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Director, Community & Content in Services (non-Government)5 months ago

Is there demand for those AI tools from the actual doctors at this point or executives? Or is this what you're wanting to put into place?

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CIO in Healthcare and Biotech5 months ago

Yes, there is demand. I was talking to a Chief Medical Information Officer at a large health system who mentioned that they're doing a large pilot. About 80% of the doctors who used it said, "Don't you dare take this away from us. This is really making our day better." About 20% have certain workflows or they're really good typists and they're so used to the way they do things they don't want to change. But I think that's a good number, probably 80% of doctors really want this.

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