How are you addressing any resistance or fear among your IT staff regarding AI adoption?

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Worldwide Strategy & Portfolio, Cross Industry (Supply Chain, ESG, Engineering, Customer Experience, Intelligence Automation, ERP) in Manufacturing2 months ago
I’m fortunate to be at a really innovative company, so we don’t really have to push new technology. There's mostly curiosity and a need for understanding among my peers. I work in the Cincinnati AI Catalyst, where we focus on workforce development and exposure to AI. We provide training, tips, and tools, like a starter kit, for businesses to use. We educate people that they're already using AI, like Spotify's song suggestion algorithm. We also sometimes rephrase the problem statement to highlight how AI can solve problems we didn't even realize we had. We don't always need to use the word "AI" - it's more about educating about the product and the technology itself.

VP of IT in Healthcare and Biotech2 months ago
We're trying to create a culture of innovation in the healthcare space. We're moving away from solely deploying vendor-developed applications towards more ideation and building. We provide training, development, and tools to empower our staff. We've learned from early AI projects to use iterative approaches and pilot projects in controlled environments before full-scale implementation. Not everything should be piloted, but projects that offer real business value and engage multiple teams are a good way to get started, dispel myths, and create excitement about AI.

CIO2 months ago
Last year, we held an “AI day” to share our AI-related work with the enterprise. We invited external speakers and also shared our own experiences. This helped everyone get more comfortable with what AI is. We also rolled out an AI lab environment for staff to play with AI and provided tools for them to use. This has opened up collaboration with citizen developers across the organization and allowed us to collect innovative ideas for AI implementation. We've also rolled out a digital enablement framework and a product development framework that use reusable components. Organizational change management is key to embracing AI and easing everyone into it.

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VP, IT Delivery and Technical Business Support2 months ago
Communication about our AI vision from senior level leaders is key. Our CIO recently held a huddle where he asked how many people knew they were using AI every day. Many didn't realize they were, so he talked about the AI features and functions we use daily at Capital. This helped remove some of the stigma and fear. He also discussed our strategy and showcased some quick wins from small pilots. These things play into organizational change management and can help overcome resistance and fear. It's important to get to the root cause of why people are afraid of or resisting AI.

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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
Have clear business requirements up front, make sure the proposal includes items such as scope, timeline, cost, resources.
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Alignment with Cloud Provider7%


Alignment with Existing IT Skills4%

Product / Feature Set7%

Vendor Relationship / Reputation

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VP of IT in Retail3 days ago
If you have a full Gartner license, they have a benchmarking tool that maps out to your industry.  It was useful for my needs.
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Yes, and it is always followed22%

Yes, but it is rarely followed54%

Some departments do, but not across the business14%


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