How are you adapting to reduced marketing budgets while also delivering on ROI and key results?

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CMO/ Head of Marketing in Services (non-Government)2 months ago
It's crucial to use data to illustrate the trade-offs and impact on ROI and results when key investments are not made. One effective approach is to present a tiered investment strategy: "If you invest this amount, you will achieve these results." This method clearly demonstrates the potential returns at different investment levels.
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Director of Marketing in Software2 months ago
Reduced budgets force efficiencies. A more integrated approach on demand generation with our partners is allowing for a larger reach with fewer dollars. Also working with partners on awareness helps extend our brand messaging. 
Measuring the effect with and without partners helps to show the impact partners are having on conversion rates. 
This approach solves for increased marketing efficiency and serves our Partner First OKR. 

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CMO/ Head of Marketing in Services (non-Government)7 days ago
The best KPIs for showing the ROI of martech investments are directly tied to driving revenue and growth and building a solid pipeline to attract and convert prospects into customers. I’ve found metrics like lead-to-revenue more
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