Is hiring picking back up in sales for anyone else? Seeing a lot more postings in the software industry and hoping we're on the edge of breakthrough.

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Founder in Services (non-Government)10 months ago
Absolutely! I've been noticing an increasing number of clients who are on the lookout for sales reps, particularly in the B2B sector. Some clients are streamlining their sales operations though and, interestingly, I'm seeing a lot more interest in automation, too.
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CSO10 months ago
There is a demand for senior sales reps in our industry. Sales reps with strong business acumen, industry experience, trusted relationships, and ability to align technology solutions to business needs. We just hired a senior sales rep from SAP, and hiring another from ServiceNow in Q1 2024, both with 20+ years of sales experience. Our partners are doing the same, and budgeting growth in their salesforce for 2024. Thanks.   

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No, but we collaborate with external groups8%

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We are planning for a hybrid return to office model and expect some employees to remain remote a few days a week.42%

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None of our employees went remote during the pandemic.1%

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Other (comment below!)1%

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