Do any of your organizations fund Master's degree programs for staff? If so, are you able to share the eligibility criteria and conditions for the funding?

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HR Manager in Finance (non-banking)10 months ago
Eligibility criteria:

Employed as a regular employee (not seasonal, temporary, intern, or rotational)
Be in active status; Employees on leave of absence may be eligible for the education benefit but must be active (not on a leave of absence) when accessing the benefit for the first time
Be a full-time, flex part-time, or regular part-time employee
Be in Good Standing (not on corrective action)
Be a U.S. based employee

The conditions for funding depend on the program. There is an affinity partnership that enables fully or partially funded degrees from a curated set of schools.  There is also traditional reimbursement.

Tuition for fully funded degrees is pre-paid by the company directly to the university, requires that the employee meet the eligibility requirement and maintains a 2.0 GPA or higher
For partially funded degrees, the company pays 100% of the eligible tuition costs (that remain after grants have been exhausted) directly to employee's school and reimburses cost of required books and supplies up to $10k for a Masters degree. The employee is responsible for any remaining tuition costs. Additional requirements may apply.
Upon completion, tuition is reimbursed by the company covers 90% of the eligible tuition costs (that remain after grants have been exhausted) up to $10k for a graduate degree
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HR Manager in Government10 months ago
Regular employees only - $5,250 + 50% for anything over $5,250 annually - must be degree seeking from an accredited college or university - must receive a grade of C- or equivalent. There are other minor conditions, but that's the gist. 

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Director of HR5 days ago
Sounds brilliant.  Cross fertilisation of ideas, people understanding other jobs in the business.  I guess you'd want to make sure it didn't get out of control, but someone from one function helping someone in another has more
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VP Talent, Learning & Organisational Development in Manufacturing7 days ago
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