Does anyone have best practices or frameworks they would be willing to share/collaborate on when it comes to the ideation phase to road mapping and then to execution?

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Head of Programmes in Constructiona year ago
As a "Start for 10" please let me know if something along the lines of this model would be of interest and/or, assistance.  If not, you wouldn't hurt my feelings by sayin no :)

This Model underpins our Lifecycle Management of the Supply Chain.  It was an integral par of our Organisation obtaining Platinum Accreditation in the CIPS (Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply) Procurement Excellence Programme Register.

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Head of Programmes in Constructiona year ago

Hi, it looks like I am not able to add an "image" to this Chat.  If you are interested in getting a copy of the image please contact me directly and we'll work out how to get you the image to you.

Managing Director in Softwarea year ago
From my experience "Ideation" is pre-project planning.  It is the seed for determining what projects, if any, should we pursue.  In my experience, the best way to get ideas flowing is to assess the current situation in a structured approach. 

For example, identify market conditions, do a SWOT analysis, understand strategic objectives of the organization, compare the current situation to competitors and to business partners, look for examples of best practices or world-class leaders.  While this assessment is being prepared, meet with business stakeholders and compile their wish lists -- if money wasn't an issue, or if no constraints. Then, I prepare a presentation / discussion document for executive leadership that combines the assessment, the wish lists, and the strategic objectives and I obtain concurrence that it is a good starting point for Ideation.  

Using the discussion document as prep material, I invite stakeholders to attend workshops (depending on size of the organization, it may be one or several sessions) to generate the ideas for impact change or disruption.  In an optimal setting, I suggest having a professional facilitator to conduct the sessions.  The desired outcome is an agreed set of initiatives that are aligned with company objectives and stakeholders' wishes.  

Further work is required to take initiatives from "ideas" to prioritized and budgeted projects.  
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Director of Digital Transformation in Manufacturinga year ago

Greg, I greatly appreciate the response. Your ideas align with how I think about ideation. We have started to have sessions to brainstorm around key business initiatives. As you suggested, the last one was done with a facilitator. My original post was shortened up before being posted. The intent is to ideate and roadmap for transformational purposes. Looking for step changes in our business by utilizing digital technology. (analytics, end to end visibility of processes, etc) We are looking for best practices for how to setup up idea submission to our company. For example, should this be a form that everyone has access to? Or only for selected groups that participate in workshops? We are using a portfolio management tool, and thinking about using it to allow for ideas to flow into road mapping and then to scorecard these roadmap items before turning into projects. Hope this provides more context and would love to hear anything else you'd like to suggest. 

Foundera year ago
Absolutely, happy to share ideas, best practices, frameworks and collaborate if it helps. 

What are you trying to achieve, or what are your goals, and mission? 
What's the purpose of road mapping and execution?
What are you trying to solve or build?

For the staring point, these answers would draftily help define the scope of areas to consider, ways to gather the needed information, understanding more of the background, valuate the existing conditions and see what is the gap and what needs to be done, translating them into the practical operational perspectives to help achieve the ideal state in the future. 

And more along the way if needed. It really depends on what are you trying to do. 
Head of Programmes in Constructiona year ago
The Crown Commercial Services Agreements are not "The Answer" but, they are an answer and the information is already in the Public Domain so readily accessible.

Throughout my Career both as a Technical Lead and a Commercial Lead, I have found on too many occasions to mention in polite company, a "Great Contract" does not fix a "Poor Specification".

Hence, the Guiding principals which I encourage my Stakeholders to follow is, leave the Terms and Conditions of the Contract to me as the SME.  Whilst focusing all their efforts and knowledge on the Specification supporting the Terms and Conditions.  In this way we achieve a "Great Contract" and a "Great Specification".

The link below will help you to focus on the Key Elements of the Terms and Conditions to include in any Framework Agreement.  If you would like a more detailed walk through of the principals and Best Industry Practice then, I would be happy to get on a call with you.

Hope this feedback will be of interest and assistance.


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