Does anyone have experience with putting in place an AI-powered visual inspection software to detect potential issues in complex assemblies (in my case a wind turbine) within the manufacturing site?

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Director of Engineering in Services (non-Government)8 months ago
Yes I am aware of a Fujitsu solution that uses AI to inspect wind turbine blades. This use case is documented in ISO/IEC TR24030 first edition. You can find me on LinkedIn if you want more information than can be disclosed in this public forum.
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CIO in Manufacturing8 months ago

Hi Harm, Thanks for your answer. We're indeed using drone tech to inspect our blades. This one is more for inside the nacelle (the head of the wind turbine) within the manufacturing site.

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Cofounder & Managing Director in Software8 months ago
With lack of experience in this topic, I still have crossed path with the founders of Qualiwise ( ). I believe far from your Use Case. However, worth to get a few insights. Do not hesitate to contact directly Ulrich Kaiser and Orcun Tonyali.

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