Do you have any tips for how to communicate the mission, value and strategy of the supply chain team to business units that aren't direct stakeholders?

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Director, Merchandise Planning & Inventory in Consumer Goodsa year ago
The art of storytelling is absolutely critical in communicating to business units that aren’t direct stakeholders. Making communication simple by creating visuals or symbols that can tie you back and trigger memories to keep everyone on the same page helps. When I came to Ulta, one of the first things I was asked to institute was a supply chain tagline and branding for internal communications that was full of visuals that everyone could continually recognize.

Building collaborative relationships with cross-functional departments is essential. At Ulta, everyone participates in 30-minute meet-and-greet discussions upon hiring. It’s a cross-functional panel, not just a departmental focus, so you’re genuinely learning how everyone’s role and department connects to embed the mission. Everybody does it whether you’re an analyst or a director, and you meet with both peer connects and senior leaders to understand how everyone’s role relates, even those outside of your department. These interactions help build early relationships.
Senior Financial Analysta year ago
I would suggest that you look at a Balanced Scorecard.
The issue you've stated is that you have business units that aren't direct stakeholders to your vision/mission. Ideally you want teams to be stakeholders and be clear about how what they're doing affects what the company's goals/vision/mission is. 

If you can show them how what they're doing contributes to the firm's goals/vision things should be good. Once you have their goals aligned with the firm's things will go great.
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Supply Chain Managera year ago
We recommend using examples that are relevant to the receiver of the communication and avoiding SME-specific terminology and acronyms. 

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I recommend that you consider finding an outside third party to perform the audit.  I have had to do something similar with an unprofitable division/product line that reports directly to our CEO. We outsourced with Alvarez more
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Yes, and it is always followed22%

Yes, but it is rarely followed54%

Some departments do, but not across the business14%


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VP of Supply Chain in Transportation16 days ago
This may sound oversimplified, but it is part of the strategic planning process. I have also seen companies complete end-to-end process mapping, interdependencies, swim lane or SIPOC tools, and invest in using even a third more
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