Have you ever worked for an org that didn’t have silos between IT/tech and the rest of the org? Any tips or insights you can share on how to create and maintain that sense of openness between functions?

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Chief of DevOps and Partner in Healthcare and Biotech10 months ago
Yes. I've encountered that in startups and small companies. 
Tips: Assess the value stream. Organize across the value stream. Divide your product in small modules. Create small cross functional teams that have the complete ownership about that module. 
CIO in Finance (non-banking)10 months ago
In small business yes. For larger corporates i have found a range of techniques are needed to help bring the gaps. Where time and resources are in short supply I have found prioritising middle management to be more effective than senior leaders or Executive/Board. Those mid managers tend to be the ones that are really running the place and if you can build a relationship with them and show them that you truly understand their challenges and opportunities you will be in a better place! It needs to be care for long term like any relationship ;)
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Director of Systems Operations in Healthcare and Biotech10 months ago
As others have stated in smaller companies, to mid size I've encountered this, and it usually is because of various factors ranging from budget constraints to strategy, we vs them mentality. In larger organizations it's definitely a challenge but possible. The cultural of the leadership needs to be in alignment and fully commit to no silos. Examples of how I've seen this work in larger organizations, is open door policy by the CEO, full transparency in the organization (good / bad / ugly), and a common goal which everyone believes in. One organization I worked with had branches around the globe and silos didn't exist, Hong Kong office was welcoming to the India office and the states office etc. They understood there was a greater common goal. 

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Human Factors (fears, mental health, physical spacing)85%

Technical / IT Factors (on-premise tools, pivoting back away from remote)14%

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