Have you changed your default meeting times to 25 minutes and 50 minutes, instead of half an hour and an hour?

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Director of IT in Software2 years ago
We do that using Google, which allows you to program those times as a default. It’s a good idea in theory but I find that it doesn't work in practice. There are some people who will just talk until they've finished what they need to say, without respect for other people's calendars. I'd be interested in hearing from a company that's been able to have 25-minute or 50-minute meetings where people stick to that time window. That would be a game changer for me in terms of my ability to have back-to-back meetings. There are a lot of direct messages I can get through in 10 minutes if I don't have the distraction of a meeting.
CIO in Finance (non-banking)2 years ago
At my previous company we would end five or 10 minutes early, depending on the length of the meeting. It was much easier in person because you could just fold up your laptop and leave the room. It's a little tough on a Zoom call where you're trying to click “leave now” to end it. There’s a different etiquette in a virtual meeting and you may be more cautious of seeming rude. And the other issue is that people don't see a virtual meeting as a perishable product, so if there are five minutes left people think, “No one's going to meet in these five minutes. So let's all just chat.” They're not understanding how important those five minutes are to decompress or do whatever it is that you need to do.
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CISO in Software2 years ago

And of course you have that small talk at the start of a meeting as well. You want to start out with social chit chat just to check in, because you miss that when you’re not passing people in the office every day.

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Chief Information Officer in Services (non-Government)2 years ago
I have done that, and showed others in my organization but there has been little interest.  It seems like a solution to a problem people don’t think exists. 
Director Of Technology (ANZ) in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
No, we haven't put this in place, but we're also really strict at keeping our meetings running on time. As soon as we get to time, the meeting ends. I think people often shorten the meeting times to 25 or 50 minutes, to enable some overlap and time to extend.
SVP - Software Engineering in Finance (non-banking)2 years ago
We tried and encouraged it but it was practically hard to enforce 25 min and most still end up going 30 min. We do try to end meetings early whenever we can and “give time back” which everyone appreciates 

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