Which format is more effective for learning and development (L&D): video or audio?

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CISO in Software2 years ago
Video is the default choice, but audio is a more effective format because you can multitask. I've got Audible, so I use it when I'm sitting in the car, walking the dogs or doing chores. It’s very convenient to learn that way, but we haven't brought that into the workplace as much in comparison to video learning.
Partner in Software2 years ago
We have seen a number of startup companies focusing on corporate audio podcasting because doing internal corporate updates at scale is super hard, whether they’re around change management, alignment or internal enablement. Now there are more tools to create podcasts, and sales enablement teams have done that when they're introducing a new product, for example. Sales people control their schedule by focusing on motivation, time, etc. They want to make sure they are going into "battle" well-prepared, so they consume that information asynchronously and audio is the way to do it. The data shows that podcasting has increased by about 10 times in the last four years, so there’s been a shift, but it’s too early to tell whether it's being taken up in the corporate space.
IT Strategist in Government2 years ago
It depends on the purpose and the content. Audio courses are better suited for longer and less engaging material (like audiobooks, audioblogs, reviews and discussions. Video material is more interactive and engaging, but it is extremely hard to keep the attention of the audience for a longer period of time. Also, in the video content it is easier to do explanations and exercises, however audio content allows the audience to multitask or focus on supporting online or reading material.   
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CIO in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
Each is better in different situations - Audio is better if you want to multitask or its lengthy its a set and forget, video has the benefits of being more engaging and being able to communicate a wider range of things but requires focused attention. 
VP of IT in Media2 years ago
I have always been comfortable using video as medium for learning and development.

Video based learning is a better way of learning as it contains text, audio and video put together also it engages the two senses providing immersive experiences.

Video based training can explain most complicated or abstract concept in an illustrated manner

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IT Manager in Constructiona month ago
the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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