As a finance leader, what is the best approach to leading (or…let’s be honest, maintaining control over) technology delivery, while remaining in step with the CIO/IT team?

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Chief Operating Officer in Finance (non-banking)7 months ago
For a finance leader aiming to maintain control over technology delivery while aligning with the CIO/IT team, leveraging a single ecosystem like Microsoft's offers a strategic advantage. The Microsoft ecosystem, encompassing solutions like Azure, Dynamics 365, and Microsoft 365, provides an integrated platform that enhances collaboration, data governance, and operational efficiency. By adopting Microsoft's comprehensive suite of tools, finance leaders can ensure that technology implementations are closely aligned with the organization's financial strategies and compliance requirements. This unified approach facilitates seamless communication, streamlined processes, and a shared understanding between the finance and IT departments, ensuring that technology investments are directly contributing to the organization's financial health and strategic objectives.
CFO7 months ago
A significant part of this process involves building professional relationships with the CIO and other C-Suite professionals. In my experience, it has a real impact. If I can get the CIO to agree to it, after we look at the numbers and the budget, it's the way to go. It's essential to have the collaboration of your team and your colleagues, rather than being hard-headed and pressing on alone.

Fractional CFO/FP&A Consultant7 months ago
In my experience, it's beneficial to make the IT team feel that they're driving the process, even if it's a finance transformation. This approach helps them to have more buy-in. We would have weekly meetings and touch points, and I would solicit their input. It's about relationship building, and these relationships should be established well before you need to engage them in a project.
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VP of Finance in Healthcare and Biotech7 months ago
We're fortunate to have a strong relationship between finance and IT. This relationship has been fostered over multiple years as we've worked together on various projects. It's all about communication, relationships, and having an open dialogue about financial expectations and resource expectations. As we go through a digital transformation, we must manage the impact on our associates jointly and not as individual silos.
CFO7 months ago
This is a challenging process. As finance leaders, we know our core business, but when it comes to tech implementation, it can be tricky. My strategy is to find a subject matter expert within the project team who also has a finance background. They can act as an interpreter, helping us understand the financial impact of bumps in the road and suggesting ways to get the budget back on track. Early relationships and setting clear expectations are crucial.

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Chief Accounting Officer in Software4 days ago
Use simple language. As an accountant presenting accounting concepts and issues to the Audit Committee, I must avoid technical US GAAP speak and simplify the terms and concepts for the audience.
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