Faced with volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA), what do you do to cultivate trust in your data and analytics function? How do you ensure that your end users will support the new technology you implement or changes made to the data and analytics ecosystem?

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Chief Data Officer in Software6 months ago
Trust is earned.   The best way to earn it, is through the delivery of tangible business value, coupled with a operating model within the data team that focuses on listening, transparency, humility, and a customer centric mindset.  
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Senior Systems Analyst / Team Leader in Government5 months ago
When it comes to dealing with the challenges of VUCA, it's crucial to make trust a high priority in your data and analytics function. Transparency and effective communication play a vital role in this endeavor. Ensure that stakeholders have a clear understanding of the purpose, methodology, and advantages of new technologies or changes, as this fosters confidence. Moreover, actively involving end users in the process, seeking their feedback, and addressing their concerns helps create a sense of ownership and support for the evolving ecosystem. Ultimately, trust is built through a combination of reliability, transparency, and collaboration, which ensures that data-driven decisions are embraced as catalysts for success in times of uncertainty.

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On premises18%

Public cloud58%

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No strong preference

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IT Manager in Constructiona month ago
the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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Director of Data & Analytics6 months ago
Snowflake and Databricks are the industry leaders in the modern data landscape. However, Databricks as a platform it offers more features and functions for typical D&A and Advanced analytics. When it comes to snowflake, it ...read more
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