In your experience, what emerging cybersecurity threat vectors do you believe organizations should prioritize in their risk management strategies for the upcoming year?

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Analyst, Corporate Development7 months ago
I believe organizations should focus on the following cybersecurity threat vectors immediately:
1. Ransomware - of course, this continues to remain the number 1 threat to most organizations.
2. Uneducated (Cybersecurity per se) and unengaged organization staff: The number one risk continues to be internal staff falling victim to phishing scams exposing the organizations information assets.
3. Lack of cybersecurity insurance options in the market, especially their refusal to underwrite public sector organizations.
4. Lack of automation for monitoring and mitigation
5. Lack of overarching Risk and Management controls
IT Analyst in Education7 months ago
The myriad of tooling to monitor and or prevent cyber attacks, will, in my humble opinion, be the next target for bad actors. Making sure any such tooling is adequately protected will become increasingly important. In some cases such tools have been 'rushed' in to prevent attacks, but have possibly opened vulnerabilities in the process. 
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Solution Architect in Transportation2 months ago

I believe the CrowdStrike 'incident' is an example of your opinion (which I share with you).

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IT Manager in Miscellaneous7 months ago
The rise in bad actor threats across a range of media types presents a significant threat to businesses globally.  Training end users to spot these threats is becoming harder as traditional indicators are no longer presented such as poor grammar or spelling, as the actors are using AI to drive their campaigns so as a business we need to identify better ways to train and protect our staff and business.
VP of IT in Healthcare and Biotech3 months ago
In my view, the # 1 threat vector is email phishing. The close 2nds are legacy platform services that do not support MFA and/or its; and assets exposed to the internet and I've got little to know visibility.

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