What are you doing to support your top talent in a hybrid or remote work environment?

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Chief Information Officer in Education2 years ago
Before COVID, about 43% of the job was about making sure you're connected to your people and building culture. That's now an even bigger part of my job and I've seen that shift even more. When times get hectic, things come apart if I'm not calm in setting the tone. So in developing my top talent I've been more in touch with the top leadership team to make sure they're doing okay. I’m also watching how many hours they’re spending each day and checking in to ask things like, “Do you have a decompression routine at the end of the day to disconnect? What do you do on days when you’re working from home?” I’m asking a lot more questions. Our conversations are less about career development, and more focused on developing deeper connections so that they feel valued. In some cases it’s worked and in other cases it hasn't.
Director of IT in Software2 years ago
I encourage them to do walking meetings to get out of their house, so I've tried to be more intentional about walking the walk in that respect. We don't always have to be sitting in front of slides. And in every conversation, I’m checking in to ask how they’re doing that day. I let them talk about whatever’s going on to try to create a human bond without overstepping boundaries. And that’s only to the extent that they're comfortable with sharing, because I don't know if they have an outlet in their home. Many people have been home with their family for a long time and have not had a way to vent to somebody who is not related to them or part of their inner circle. In terms of how we've had to deal with COVID, we're all living in different worlds depending on where we’re located, so I've been trying to be sensitive to that as well.
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CISO in Software2 years ago

How we manage people is a critical part of any business. So we need to understand how we can be more human with each other this year and get to know our people in order to understand what makes them tick. I like to ask these three questions: How are you? How's your family? How's your work? Cover the human stuff.

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Chief Information Officer in Education2 years ago

Sometimes people just need to be seen and heard.

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I recommend that you consider finding an outside third party to perform the audit.  I have had to do something similar with an unprofitable division/product line that reports directly to our CEO. We outsourced with Alvarez ...read more
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