What are you doing for stress management?

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Senior Executive Advisor in Software2 years ago
I've started to go for walks in the morning and listen to my favorite podcast. It helps me immerse myself, calm down and think. The world slows down and you get to spend more time with yourself. It’s a chance to reflect and try to look at things from a different perspective while enjoying nature. That has been a blessing, especially during the pandemic, for people who are working from home. They now have this opportunity to elevate their quality of life, quality of thinking and quality of interpersonal interaction by doing these things. And then you’re not always stuck in those continuous stressful cycles that we used to have before. In roles where you have operational teams, it can be extremely stressful because you have all of production under you. It can become a repetitive cycle of stress and firefighting.
CIO in Education2 years ago
I've been doing meditation for five or six years, but I just completed a transcendental meditation (TM) course this year and it's been life changing. For someone who's been meditating for so long, it's not like a light bulb went off. It was just a small change, but my blood pressure dropped significantly.
Executive Coach / Global Chief Information Officer & CISO in Education2 years ago
For me it’s about trying to manage those smaller periods of time. When I'm eating lunch, I don't look at my phone. And one of the best things that I ever did was invest in noise-canceling headphones to cut out the ambient noise around my house. When you want to focus on one thing, like reading, watching TV or anything else, it becomes a good escape. But it can be difficult because how do you let go, but also make time for yourself?

I've also been doing a lot of meditation. I've picked up the positivity quotient (PQ) and a bunch of other techniques. I was working with a coach for about a year who gave me a great set of both professional and personal meditation scenarios. They’re all micro tactics, which take between 30 seconds to two minutes. If you can't make a two minute time block to do one of these techniques, then you really have issues because you're not prioritizing yourself. One of the techniques you can only do while you're sitting is to just stare and focus on one thing for five or 10 seconds to see if you can pick out one detail. Is it the color? Is it the shape? You can just observe whatever is around you and not just let everything blow right by you. It has helped me a lot.
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VP in Software2 years ago
I think one of the top priorities for all in today's corporate world, particularly with the recent pandemic times and remote work situation. 
1. I go for a 1-hour walk every morning and listen to calm music. 
2. Meditation and breathing exercise helps a lot with introspection. 
3. Reading books on weekends or during travel also helps to know and gradually know what's happening around. 
4. And most important I try to reduce screen time on the mobile phone as much as possible.
5. Good diet is also another important factor to reduce stress
6. Light and open conversation with colleagues, family, and friends help too.
7. Leisure travel to a serene location also helps me to detox mentally and come back fresh. I generally do one such trip a year.
Chief Technology Officer in Finance (non-banking)2 years ago
I feel that i haven't been doing enough here - a few things i have been doing are reading books, take weekend trips with completely turning off email/phones.  Drive is great, especially during foliage in New England states. Other activities are reading, exercising, and yoga. 
To reduce stress for teammates, had virtual HH/Coffee sessions. 

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