What is the difference of leadership and management?

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Vice President in Banking2 months ago
In short, leadership is setting strategy. Management is to make that happen.
Engineer2 months ago
A Leader inspires, develops, and motivates the Team. They think strategically, are able to communicate that vision and are able to orient the entirety of the Team in achieve those strategic goals and vision.  A manager neglects to do these things and often gets results through intimidation or does not get results at all due to not being able to inspire the Team to achieve the strategic vision.  They are often micromanagers and serve themselves by focusing on what is necessary to get promotions by pandering to those that have the power to promote rather than serving their Team.
Engineer in Manufacturing2 months ago
Management organizes the work for a team and makes sure that resources are available. Management also makes sure that the team works together and does the performance evaluation.
Leadership is providing vision and strategy and motivates people.
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Head of Data in Softwarea month ago
Leadership and management, while often used interchangeably, serve distinct purposes in an organization. Management primarily focuses on transactional activities that emphasize getting tasks accomplished efficiently. It deals with day-to-day operations and tactical execution. On the other hand, leadership encompasses long-term strategic nurturing that aims to inspire and motivate individuals to perform at their best. However, challenges can arise with leadership as the full value of its engagement may not be immediately apparent, or it might take a longer time to recognize compared to more immediate, tactical outcomes. Thus, both roles are vital but have different impacts and timelines for achieving organizational goals.

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