The Diamond Model that defines PPT (People, Process, Technology) is 60 years old. Do you think that in today's reality, we should talk about: People, "Data", Process and Technology?  Would this help to better define or understand complex situations?

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Senior VP & CISOa year ago
Still relevant and complementary to Cyber Kill Chain
Principal Information Security Officer in Educationa year ago
Yes.  Leavitt's 1965 "Diamond" model is SO 60 years old!  

In January 2017 Gartner's Andrew White began talking about adding Data to PPT (Adding Data to People, Process, and Technology -

In the 2020s, with greatly expanded uses and importance for data analytics/science, data management, and data-driven approaches there have been increasing arguments for adding "Data" (e.g. creating PDP&T).

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CIO in Telecommunicationa year ago
Yes.  Data is something everyone underestimates in my experience.  Everyone thinks its clean and it never is. On more than one occasion I've had projects delayed months in order to clean up data for a new systems implementations.  I've done other stand-alone data cleanup projects and seen support calls drop so dramatically that I was accused of setting up a shadow IT support group. 

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Senior Director, Defense Programs in Softwarea year ago
As a buzzword, it’s on life support.
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