What cross-training/knowledge look like on your marketing team(s) today?

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Director of Analyst Relations in Software2 months ago
I wouldn't call it cross-training per se, but we do have educational sessions such as webinars or virtual lunches where we'll create awareness of functions with other teams outside of marketing. Inside of marketing, we participate in monthly calls to share information and evaluate program progress and discuss processes that may or may not be working.
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CMO/ Head of Marketing in Services (non-Government)2 months ago
Knowledge sharing should be a continual and dynamic process that’s embedded in the company culture. Leverage preferred communication channels to make sharing insights quick and easy, integrating this practice into the company culture. From team meetings and all-hands sessions to Slack or other messaging forums, ensure that knowledge flows seamlessly and is recognized and rewarded by leadership, fostering an environment of constant learning and collaboration.

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Director of Marketing in IT Services16 days ago
Companies need to show they are invested in their employees and support them. Ensure you are not overworking them, paying them fairly, and listening to their ideas. Call out good actions when performed and do not let bad ...read more
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We are still remote, but we will be bringing all employees back full time gradually with a multi-phase plan.13%

We are planning for a hybrid return to office model and expect some employees to remain remote a few days a week.42%

We are planning for a hybrid return to office model and expect some employees to remain fully remote.22%

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None of our employees went remote during the pandemic.1%

All of our employees will remain fully remote post-pandemic.4%

Other (comment below!)1%

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