Is continuous education essential to achieving success as a technology leader?

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Manager in Education2 years ago
Technology does not stop evolving; being a technology leader requires one stay apprised of the "state of the art".  Thus, continuous education is essential to maintaining a leadership position in tech.  However, such education need not be formal -- with the advent of the internet and powerful search engines, it's now far more important to know HOW to find information (IE: to curate viable research skills) than it is to develop expertise in any particular arena.

Maintaining self-awareness about what you DON'T know, and being able to effectively address that lack of knowledge on an as-needed basis via self-guided research, are two key skills that every tech leader must foster if they wish to succeed.
IT Operating Unit Director in Education2 years ago
Absolutely! But it does not always need to be a formal process. Having worked in hi-ed for over 30 years it pains me a bit to say that, but the reality is that education opportunities are present nearly everywhere.
CIO in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
As a leader it's vital to continue learning about new technologies and growing your leadership capabilities.  
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Director Certifications in Education2 years ago
Continuous education is essential for a technology leader or any leader, to achieve success and to maintain that success and a competitive edge. Technology is continuously evolving and also building on previous technologies. As a technology leader you have to be curious and continue to educate yourself in various ways such as networking with peers, attending seminars, reading and engage in discussions with technical sales folks. The pursuit of knowledge is a continuous process.
CTO in Services (non-Government)2 years ago
That is a definite. Continuous education is a requirement for any leader who wishes to remain relevant, but especially so for technology leaders. And continuous education doesn't always mean formal courses - the most important part is just asking your co-workers questions when a new acronym pops up or a new technology/management framework arises. If I don't feel I understand it enough from a verbal description I'll google it. If I feel it will cause a large enough shift in my workforce I'll go to the effort of gaining practical skills - like installing, setting up, and running docker/kubernetes from scratch at home so I properly understand the transition from virtualisation to containerisation.

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IT Manager in Constructiona month ago
the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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Senior Director, Defense Programs in Softwarea year ago
As a buzzword, it’s on life support.
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