What do you consider to be the most important best practices for successful application consolidation?

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Director in Manufacturinga month ago
Many have touched on the key aspects, but let me add one more—and it's crucial. If you don't have genuine, unwavering support from all levels of the business, stop now. This means not just a Business VP giving their blessing, but also the directors, managers, and most importantly, the end users. If you can't find a single user who says, "This Application Consolidation is making my workday easier," then it's time to pause and reassess. I've witnessed many top-down consolidations that were labeled as successful, but in reality, they made things worse on the ground. Make sure your strategy is supported across the board, or you'll face an uphill battle with every application you try to streamline, with every application to try to retire.
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Chief Technology Officer in Services (non-Government)15 days ago
Maybe some practical advice, within the consolidation platform you will need to consolidate not just applications but other maintenance, operational, DR schedules etc.  If you consolidate applications which have completely different operating remits then it makes standard, emergency maintenance, patching much more difficult to co-ordinate, while you gain from a reduce footprint, you lose from operational productivity.  

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It's difficult to track the system's performance, identify issues, or diagnose failures.
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Rapid application4%

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Vice President in Bankinga month ago
DigiCert is good.
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