CIOs - curious about personal motivation: What inspires you to truly go the extra mile in supporting your fellow executives?  Yes, it’s part of the job, but beyond that what have you identified about yourself that are either internal or external factors that will drive you to personally go above and beyond to assist an executive peer?

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CIO in Educationa year ago
It is the ability to communicate ICT strategy and initiatives in their language and making them buy into my technology journey with them. My story telling technical such as presenting my needs in relation to the risk factor has propelled most of my conversion to success
CTO in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
For me, it's an intrinsic motivation. I have a mindset that understands that we as individuals could reach the goal faster, but we as a team will go further.
CIO / Managing Partner in Manufacturinga year ago
Mutual respect, and a desire to do the right thing for the company.
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IT Director, Supply Chain Digital in Manufacturinga year ago
Great question - the opportunity to reshape the business through technology & software is the primary driver. 

Technologies make the impossible possible, but we know that every business is unique. The opportunity as a CIO to craft the right combination of technologies balanced with business transformation that works in a given cultural context is what I love the most & keeps me going beyond the job. I compare it to the conductor of a music performance since people/teams are the key in this journey too.

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