Are chatbots AI (Artificial Intelligence) or ML (Machine Learning)?

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Member Board of Directors in Finance (non-banking)3 years ago
I don't like the word chatbot per se. Whether it's machine learning or AI, there are steps that you need to go through to train whichever intelligent assistant or whatever AI model you're working on. You need a number of cases and you have to properly train your model with a human in the middle, because the only way that AI can learn is if you actually identify what is not correct to help the model to ensure accuracy. One of the examples that my seed investment was working on was that the AI must know how to differentiate cucumbers from tomatoes. If a model looks at a cucumber and labels it as a tomato, the human in the middle corrects that mistake.
Senior Director, Technology Solutions and Analytics in Telecommunication3 years ago
Are chatbots really AI? Probably not. Chatbots are more machine learning, that's something we see with some of our customers. From a data analytics perspective, we're doing a lot with machine learning but we’re not really doing anything with artificial intelligence. I feel like AI is sort of a subset of machine learning, meaning that you need to have machine learning in order to have AI capabilities.
CEO in Manufacturing3 years ago
Chatbots are really just meant to work using an input and an output. If they learn more then they have a bigger range of things they can do. And input/output is an equation, so if you deviate from those things—as any human communication does—they can't handle it. That's not AI at all, it’s just a chatbot responding to inputs. But if you get an AI behind it that is cognitive, it can do 12 turns in a conversation and can actually adapt and learn as it's going. That's truly applying artificial intelligence because it's mirroring what a human would be able to process. 

For example, if you call a bank and say, "I want to transfer $50." Just think of that little sentence; as humans, we can all understand it. But when the AI hears "I" it has to know who you are—are you registered, etc.? What does "want to" mean? And then, transfer from where and into what? The AI has to be able to have that information and say, "Okay, I'm assuming you mean checking." It would prompt you with, "Which one?" If the user says, "No, I mean savings,” then it has to go back to the original context and intent of the context and then be able to map through that dynamically.
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CIO in Education3 years ago
Machine learning to me based on the need to be trained to become smarter.
CTO in Finance (non-banking)3 years ago
For me definitely chatbots are ML, they depend on key words, menu items, responses, some of them need you to develop a big decision tree although there are some out there that mimic a little bit AI using NLP. If the chatbot is able to identify the context, intention or even emotion in the sentence then we’re perhaps talking about AI.

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