What challenges did you face while transitioning from the vision of AI to its practical implementation, and how did you overcome them?

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Director of Systems Operations in Healthcare and Biotech6 months ago
As a partner with Google, we don't really have a choice but to use AI. However, this has actually been beneficial as it allows people to see how AI is used in their daily work and how it can improve their efficiency. They can see firsthand that AI is not going to take their jobs.

Google also provides ethical AI courses, which have been incredibly helpful. These courses help people understand what AI really is, its various iterations, and why it's important. They provide a solid foundation of knowledge about AI, which helps to dispel some of the myths and misconceptions. This understanding is crucial for overcoming resistance and promoting AI adoption within our organization.
Executive Director of Technology in Healthcare and Biotech6 months ago
In my view, one of the main challenges when implementing AI is misinformation. There are a lot of people who have used AI systems and then consider themselves AI experts. They then go on to spread information that is often incorrect, which can create a lot of confusion and misunderstanding about AI. This makes it difficult to convince people that AI is not going to take over jobs or take over the world.

In the healthcare space, where I work, there are additional challenges. For instance, we need to have private instances of AI due to privacy concerns. Trust in AI is also a significant issue. People are often wary of AI and unsure about its implications, which can make it difficult to implement effectively.
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VP - Digital & IT in Education6 months ago
In my experience, the most significant challenge was the reluctance around AI adoption. There was a lot of hesitation and uncertainty, particularly because people were worried about job security. They feared that AI would take their jobs, which created a significant barrier to adoption. To address this, we had to reassure them that AI was not a threat to their job security. Instead, we emphasized that AI would be a tool to help them do their jobs better. It was about showing them that AI would complement their work, not replace it.

We also had to find ways to engage people and get them on board with AI. We organized lunch and learn sessions and made certain trainings mandatory. We tried to show them the value AI could bring to their work. For example, we showed them how AI could speed up data reconciliation, which was a task that usually took them a week. We encouraged them to try using AI and see how it could benefit them.

Another important aspect was creating an environment where it was okay to take risks and make mistakes. We wanted to encourage a culture of learning, where mistakes were seen as opportunities for growth rather than failures. We wanted them to feel safe to experiment with AI and learn from their experiences. This required strong leadership and a supportive environment. We had to show them that it was okay to fail, as long as we learned from our mistakes and didn't repeat them.

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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
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VP of IT in Retail3 days ago
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Director of IT in IT Services4 days ago
Implementation of Zero trust architecture, its modules across the organisation is a priority for us. So, we will be implementing zero trust strategies in IAM, inline with overall strategy.
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