What “best of” lists, or awards, in tech, do you think are actually meaningful and worth paying attention to? Why so?

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Board Member in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
The most rigorously evaluated (know that as a past judge) and coveted award for me as a CIO was the "CIO 100" from CIO Magazine. Received a total of 6 across 2 companies that I worked with, and then they decided to give me a "Hall of Fame" award after which I could not apply for more !

In India, Dell had partnered with CIO Association of India - formed by CIOs for collective learning with more than 1000 members; they used to give away awards like the "Most Respected CIO" and "India's best CIOs" where voting was done by peers. Won these a couple of times and then exited the CIO role for an entrepreneurial journey in 2014. This was very gratifying as the votes were given by peers.

CISO in Softwarea year ago
I honestly think there are so many now, it is hard to recognize or identify which one(s) are meaningful.
Senior Information Security Manager in Softwarea year ago
95% of these awards and lists are nothing more than pay-to-play.   See https://twitter.com/benrothke/status/1686404912387624961


The Turing Award from the ACM is one of the few awards that really means something - https://amturing.acm.org/

Vendors like to tout that such and such a company uses the product on their customer lists. The potential customer needs to ask: how many licenses did they buy?  As many firms will buy the product to test, and technically be a customer, but in fact, has never actually deployed the product.


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Chief Information Security Officer in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
Few are - 
 1. CIO 100,
 2. CSO 10

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