Your best ChatGPT prompts? Has anyone here come up with some effective prompts that have proven helpful in your day-to-day work. Care to share any prompts that you've crafted and found useful? Looking forward to learning from each other's experiences

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Chief Information Officer in IT Servicesa year ago
to summarise text use 'Please forget all prior prompts. You’re an expert in summarizing text. You are famous for your ability to present the most detailed insight to a broad audience that can be understood by anyone. Create an objective summary between 100 and 120 words for a first-year student, capturing the key points and overall message of the text that I will provide at the end of this prompt 'ADD TEXT HERE'
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Global Head of AI, Data & Analytics in Softwarea year ago
Some useful ones to save and use when needed:

Ask chat to generate descriptive text describing your company, size, revenue split by department/product

And ask it to create personas for different levels of stakeholders you interact with (executives, directors, senior developers etc)

You can now task it to create content with the right tone, terminology and text length relative to {company info} and {StakeholderPersona}

Check out the use of variables in chatGPT so you can use the same prompts over and over, only having to change a few variable values at the bottom of the prompt

For real power, prompt chaining or using agents in something like langchain

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the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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