Based on your experience during your career with successful and unsuccessful supply chain transformations at scale, what were 3 key factors that contributed to having a positive transformation & 3 key factors that undermined it and led to the failure?

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Global Intelligent Automation & GenAI Leader in Healthcare and Biotech10 months ago
The ACT framework helps address this issue by emphasizing human oversight and continual monitoring to identify and address potential bias, errors, and unintended consequences. This means that organizations must establish mechanisms for reporting and addressing any issues that may arise.

o  Alignment: The responsible use of AI & Automation must align with ethical principles, social values, and legal and regulatory frameworks. This involves understanding the potential risks and impacts of AI systems on society, engaging stakeholders, and ensuring alignment between the needs of people and the business.

o  Clarity: It is essential to ensure human oversight and continual monitoring must be in place to identify and address bias, errors, and unintended consequences. This involves ongoing evaluation and testing of systems and establishing mechanisms for reporting and addressing issues that may arise. By continually monitoring AI and automation, we can identify and mitigate any issues that may arise, ensuring that AI systems remain unbiased and that their decisions are fair and transparent.

o  Transparency: Openness and honesty about decision-making processes, data inputs, and outcomes are essential for ensuring accountability. Clear and understandable documentation of data, algorithms, and decision-making processes, along with explanations of how they work, should be provided to users. By prioritizing transparency in the design, development, and deployment of AI and automation systems, we can ensure clear and understandable documentation of the data, algorithms, and decision-making processes used in these systems. Providing users with understandable explanations of how they work builds trust and helps to avoid potential ethical and legal issues.

By keying in on the ACT principles, you are enabling, empowering, and acting with the daring drive to, not only be brave but also to be vulnerable. 
let’s break it down, and look at this with a slightly different yet personal perspective. 

“A” - To be brave is to stand out and be ok with being seen. To gain alignment toward outcomes you need to engage stakeholders, SMEs, and Domain experts.  

“C” - To be daring & to embolden others to get out there and communicate. This communication ends up being more of a collaboration, however, if it is built with Clarity in mind, it will drive clear, meaningful results. 
 “T” - Lastly, we look at how you build trust into a platform, effort, or digital transformation. The simple fact is that it needs to be transparent. Without transparency, there is no trust. Transparency in your process, governance, guidelines, or ACT, in general, is crucial to success.
Former VP Integrated Supply Chain in Manufacturing10 months ago
Three key factor for success were:
- Customer Focus - Internal and External Customers
- Co-Creation of the purpose of the transformation
- Clear SMART Objectives

The key factors that undermined:
- Probably lact of communication and lact of ACT as shared by Doug.
Sustainable Supply Chain Adviser in Healthcare and Biotech10 months ago
1. customer value focus
2. collaboration
3. aligned transformation incentives and agendas

1. incorrectly defined customer value
2. lack of buy in from top mgmt resulting in lack of true collaboration
3. conflicting agendas and incentives in the process

These were all central to a myriad of different causal effects that led to either success or failure in the areas I work in.
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Program Director, Manufacturing Professional Development in Education10 months ago
1. Top-level commitment
2. Written and signed formal scope document
3. Clarity on attainable outcomes (definition of a "win")

1.  Lack of clarity on scope / outcomes / moving targets
2. Too many competing goals & agendas

3. Lack of top-level commitment
Cofounder & Managing Director in Software10 months ago
The 3 key factors of success and the 3 key factors of failure are actually mirroring. From my humble point of view:
1. LEADERship support, sponsorship and commitment: the importance of leadership to be involved from A to Z and very hands-on.
2. TEAM alignment, involvement and commitment: leaders take decisions and show the North stars, but excitement from the teams create unparalleled momentum before, during and after the transformation. A drive not to be forgotten.
3. Skilled execution by PROJECT MANAGER: large projects being often (always?) split into smaller steps ease a transformation journey. However, even the smallest steps can put in danger the journey. Skilled Transformation Project Managers play a central role in successful execution.

You can note that the 3 points LEADER - TEAM - PROJECT MANAGER) are all human-related. We are human, we are prone-to-error. It is okay. However, we can strive to make everything in our power to mitigate every single point of failure.

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