Assessing the maturity of Technology Capabilities: We are building a framework to enable us to assess the maturity of any given Technology capability (n.b., NOT Business capability but the maturity of the actual technology capability). Most of the online references focus on assessing Business Capability maturity. These methods/frameworks are useful as a high-level guide, but do not do the job entirely. Are there any existing frameworks for this that we can leverage?

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Enterprise Architect in Finance (non-banking)a year ago
I don't have any success stories with maturity models that are technological or infrastructure oriented. While there are frameworks out there (some of them are listed on Wikipedia's Maturity model - Wikipedia) most stick to a common description - and perhaps that's also because the more detailed you go, the more it is specific to a technology function or capability, and less easy to standardize in a way that is reusable across technologies.

For most maturity assessments, we tend to pick and choose aspects from multiple frameworks and put them together again. For instance, on the maturity of the technology development/implementation at the company, it is mostly oriented to IT operational models/frameworks (like CObIT, which has a concept of maturity levels in its guidance). For specific deep-dives into automation, we focus on areas such as code-driven development, testing abilities, integration types (API vs proprietary vs SDK vs none). For security maturity assessments there are more frameworks out there to pick and choose from. Same for cloud, etc.

But it remains an ad-hoc selection approach based on the value we want to get from the assessment.
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IT Manager in IT Servicesa year ago
Across enterprises/ large gov agencies, I notice that technical capability assessment serves as a snapshot of time (As-Is state) for programs of work.

The technology stack has lagged behind business needs and market changes. Hence, in reality, the "tech maturity roadmap" is guidance, more than a locked-in delivery schedule.

Personally, I would not invest too much time/ effort in a self-assessment tech maturity framework that key decision-makers and stakeholders could not relate to.

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